Friday, March 23, 2007

two months later

Well, it's been two months (almost three) since my last post, and I don't have time to say much now. I'm too busy...but I guess that's how everybody is. Why do we think we have to do so much? And how often are our priorities messed up so we're doing things that aren't really beneficial or important?
I've been finding some direction reading Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline. He invites us out of superficiality into a deeper relationship and intimacy with God. Another I've been reading (and I like a little better) is Henry H Knight III's Eight Life-Enriching Practices of United Methodists.
One thing that these authors are reminding me of is having a hunger for God/righteousness. It's said that a pastor has to remember the core of his existence, but that's how busy/stressful/pressured it's been. But, having that desire ignited within me changes my perspective, attitude,'s amazing. It's not that trials disappear, or I've got my life together and I'm sinning less; but I am being renewed, and in touch with the presence of God in a way that I haven't been for quite awhile. In a sense, it's simply living more true and honest (not that I've been lying, just holding a lot inside). It's a big relief. I hope this is encouraging to someone. God is living!

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